Art and Fear, Second Response

What work have you made that seems most yours? Why?

The work that seems most mine are probably the head boxes. I think this is so because I came up with the idea by myself and also the fact that it combines elements of music and three dimensional art.


Who are artists that are making work that relates to you? Are there other influences? How are these other influence connected to your work?

Artists who have influenced me in making work that relates to my own are George Kuchar and his video art, the painters from the Ash Can school in particular George Bellows, and also Jack White. George Kuchar’s work relates to my work in the sense that art frees you only as much as you allow it to. The speed in which the painters of the Ash Can school worked is somewhat similar to the way I like to work. Like them, I like to give myself a set amount of time to make a piece. Jack White is more motivational than anything. I would eventually like to say the work I make is as cool as his.


“And while a hundred civilizations have prospered (sometimes for centuries) without computers or windmills or even the wheel, none have survived even a few generations without art.” Discuss, in your own works, why you think this is so.

I think mankind cannot survive without art is simply because there is something in human beings that can only be expressed and described through the use of art. I think if there was another way to say something other than art, we would do it. If it can be expressed in words than it is said, but for the things that just can’t be said, they are vocalized through art.


Which of these ideas resonates most with you? Why? If they all resonate how do they differ?

I think the idea that art is something one has to do resonates with me most. I don’t feel like art is like that for every artist, I don’t even think that behind every one of my pieces of art there was a need to do it. However art in general is like another voice for me. At the most basic level art and music are kind of like my way of talking to myself.


What do you notice about yourself? What are your methods? Subject matter? The answers do not have to be limited to art related topics.

The thing I notice most about myself when working on art is how much I think about the piece I am currently working on in the time that I’m not working on it. I think my time away from a piece is just as important as my time working on it. My methods are basically just work hard until the thing I see in my mind is envisioned in the material, or until I am satisfied with my work. Anyone can complete anything with the right amount of hard work. My subject matter I find, usually deals with the figure. Although I think there are influences of psychology in my work.


What do you care about? The answers do not have to be limited to art related topics.

I care about making the world a less monotonous place. I care about leaving things in a different state than the way they were when I found them.


Portfolio Spring Semester '14